U.S. Economy Added 243,000 Republican Presidential Candidates In May

Economy Republican Candidates

The American economy added 243,000 Republican candidates in May, confirming predictions that a rebound would continue for a tiny minority of billionaires funding their Super PACs. The hike marks a turnaround from the relatively low 127,000 candidates created in April.

The finance sector accounted for 68,000 candidates, while health care and auto industries created another 72,000. The remainder was divided between the Koch brothers and dark money.

At 6.2%, the non-candidacy rate of total right-wing politicians is at an all-time low. Economists predict it could fall below 5% if tax cuts and loopholes continue to gain steam. However, the broadest measure of non-candidacy—politicians who still pay for their own dinners—remains at 10.8%.

“It’s a good report, but there’s room for improvement,” said a senior advisor from the Office of the Secretary. “We will not rest until all Republicans—even those who can barely muster up an endorsement from an ex-American Idol contestant like Bo Bice, for instance—are able to run for president.”

Analysts predict that Duck Dynasty photo ops may indirectly boost Republican aspirants in the third quarter, but would likely be offset by off-the-books child support for second families and hush money needed to cover up the inevitable surfacing of Grindr dick pics.

Meanwhile, the Labor Department has announced it will stop its monthly jobs report and switch focus to Republican presidential candidates, since they have officially surpassed the number of new employees being added to the workforce.

Interested in more presidential candidate news? Check out GOP Blasts Rand Paul After Politically Correct Tweets Surface.

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U.S. Economy Added 243,000 Republican Presidential Candidates In May

Economy Republican Candidates

The American economy added 243,000 Republican candidates in May, confirming predictions that a rebound would continue for a tiny minority of billionaires funding their Super PACs. The hike marks a turnaround from the relatively low 127,000 candidates created in April.

The finance sector accounted for 68,000 candidates, while health care and auto industries created another 72,000. The remainder was divided between the Koch brothers and dark money.

At 6.2%, the non-candidacy rate of total right-wing politicians is at an all-time low. Economists predict it could fall below 5% if tax cuts and loopholes continue to gain steam. However, the broadest measure of non-candidacy—politicians who still pay for their own dinners—remains at 10.8%.

“It’s a good report, but there’s room for improvement,” said a senior advisor from the Office of the Secretary. “We will not rest until all Republicans—even those who can barely muster up an endorsement from an ex-American Idol contestant like Bo Bice, for instance—are able to run for president.”

Analysts predict that Duck Dynasty photo ops may indirectly boost Republican aspirants in the third quarter, but would likely be offset by off-the-books child support for second families and hush money needed to cover up the inevitable surfacing of Grindr dick pics.

Meanwhile, the Labor Department has announced it will stop its monthly jobs report and switch focus to Republican presidential candidates, since they have officially surpassed the number of new employees being added to the workforce.

Interested in more presidential candidate news? Check out GOP Blasts Rand Paul After Politically Correct Tweets Surface.

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Ken M Explains Space For The Rest Of Us

Space, as Han Solo once described, is the final frontier. While the fuzzy nether regions of the galaxy may seem daunting, we’re fortunate enough to have our resident Runt idiot and astrophysicist, Ken M, explain space in ways we all can understand:

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Enjoy our collection of Ken M in space? Then be sure to see his other masterpieces including Ken M, internet troll king and the best Ken M tweets in the history of Ken M!

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Ken M Explains Space For The Rest Of Us

Space, as Han Solo once described, is the final frontier. While the fuzzy nether regions of the galaxy may seem daunting, we’re fortunate enough to have our resident Runt idiot and astrophysicist, Ken M, explain space in ways we all can understand:

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Enjoy our collection of Ken M in space? Then be sure to see his other masterpieces including Ken M, internet troll king and the best Ken M tweets in the history of Ken M!

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Kim Kardashian Ultrasound Reveals First In Utero Selfie Stick

Kim Kardashian Selfie Stick

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have announced they’re expecting a second child, but a trip to the doctor’s revealed some even more exciting news: a selfie stick has formed alongside the fetus, marking the world’s first in utero selfie stick.

“This is the first time I’ve seen anything like it,” said their doctor. “Kim took so many selfies during her pregnancy that her body released a flood of ‘self-gratification hormones.’ These mixed with the fetus’ bloodstream, causing it to crave more attention than was available inside the womb. To accommodate the embryo’s biological need for self-promotion, Kim’s body began growing selfie stick cells.”

According to the ultrasound, the device started to grow three weeks ago, but not until this week had the fetus’ hands developed enough to use it. Now that it’s able to hold the selfie stick, the unborn child appears to be practicing different expressions and poses.

“She’s beautiful,” said Kim while viewing the ultrasound. “Especially in that second pose.” Quickly after, her phone buzzed: a new user named BabyWest2 had just started following her on Instagram.

The doctor told the couple they could expect hashtagging to start around the 18-week mark, roughly the same time the fetus has formed an understanding of its best angles. However, he assured them it would be able to favorite, like, and comment a few weeks before then.

“We might be witnessing the world’s first self-aware fetus,” said the doctor, “But I’m waiting to see how it captions its own photos.”

Wanna see more selfies defying the laws of science? Check out Planets Gone Wild: Space’s Sexiest Selfies.

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Startup Comprised Of 96% White Men Is Incapable Of Sexism, Explains Founder


The founder of one of Silicon Valley’s hottest startups has some tough words for critics who deem the company and the technology space at large as plagued by institutional discrimination and lack of diversity: “We are literally incapable of sexism or racism.”

Chad Boyce, the Chief Executive Thinker of ExcelEd went on to explain, “Being the third most popular cloud-based solution for collaborative productivity for businesses leveraging P2P connectivity over Limewire means we’re no stranger to controversy. But the allegations that we could ever be capable of any sort of discriminatory behavior are not only hurtful, but completely baseless.”

Pointing to the lone non-white, non-male employee — 29 year old female Patil Chatterjee — Boyce stressed that the company was committed to hiring the best people for the job. Though originally hired for her background in mechanical engineering, Chatterjee was informally tasked with shouldering the majority of the firm’s human resources responsibilities. When other employees were asked about her position at the company, most assumed Chatterjee was the girlfriend of the company’s Director of Sustainable Trajectory.

Alex Wilson, the Director Of Intelligent Growth and Vision for ExcelEd, supported his co-founders message: “We’re just a group of visionaries in the most Jobsian sense of the word. We’re not going to let uninformed voices get in the way of our dream of releasing a Windows tablet product by 2019.”

Founded in 2012 during a coke-binge at Pepperdine University, the now 23 employee company has leveraged an impressive array of personal connections to raise $45 million in Series A funding despite having neither a business strategy nor a product.

ExcelEd is currently valued at 1.7 billion dollars.

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9 Exciting Movie Reboots With All-Roomba Casts

The summer blockbuster season has finally arrived, and with that we have some great news. Some of our favorite franchises have announced super awesome movie reboots! But instead of remaking classics with all-female casts, these series have taken it a step further and opted into something the whole world has been waiting for: all-Roomba casts. How awesome is THAT?

We can’t wait to see these tiny, circular, cleaning machines self-automate themselves into kicking some major ass in these cinema classics! So sit back, relax, and pass the popcorn, but don’t worry about cleaning up—these Roombas got you covered.

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Looking for more entertainment news? Check out 7 Predictions For Mad Men Season 8 That Will Definitely Happen.

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Scientists Discover Exoplanet Capable of Sustaining Shitty, Unsustainable Life

Astronomers working at NASA were astonished this week when they discovered data sets for their Habitable Space Program came back showing the strongest evidence yet of an exoplanet in our galaxy capable of supporting the most superfluous and unnecessary components required for life to exist in the universe.


The planet scientists have begun calling a “way awesomer Earth” is located in the Perseus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way, directly adjacent to ours, and contains what is considered generally among scientists to be the perfect geophysical, chemical, and astrophysical balance required to sustain a predominantly self-centered and douchey population of complete fucking assholes.

“Physically and chemically, it’s a kind of perfect storm of requisite components for creating and sustaining a society that rarely requires individuals to look up from their smartphones,” explains Kevin Dorbell, PhD and co-director of NASA’s Habitable Space Program. “As myopic and self-destructive dickheads, what more could we ask for in a planet?”

Dorbell went on to describe the planet’s unique terrain as “ideal for extracting its severely limited fossil fuel supply, erecting a vast, wasteful network of telecommunication towers, and establishing multiple KFC franchises. All the least important things in life could be nothing more than a few thousand light years away.”

Other findings from the program revealed that the soil just below the planet’s crust contains “a liquid crystal strata: a main ingredient in the manufacture of flat screen televisions” and that “the acoustics of the atmosphere are such that it is quite possibly capable of producing a decent sound quality for Beats by Dre headphones.”

Dorbell declined to answer the larger questions that the discovery of Kardashian KB 17 raises for our species, but his answers certainly feel hopeful, even if he doesn’t. “Could there be a planet out there as frivolously habitable as ours? Right now the answer is looking more and more like a yes. But I suggest we don’t get ahead of ourselves and just continue to focus on fucking this one up first.”

Do you like 100% real Space Science? Then you’ll love our quiz Quiz: What Kind Of Earthling Spokesperson For Extraterrestrial Life On Planet Earth Are You? and our look at Space’s Spookiest Selfies.

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