The Fantastically Bizarre Life Of Emperor Norton

Emperor Norton Eyes

Source: Emperor Norton

While we might think that Kanye West takes the cake when it comes to ego size and delusions of grandeur, Joshua Abraham Norton’s story gives Kanye a run for the money.

Norton was a much celebrated and possibly insane citizen of San Francisco who proclaimed himself Emperor of the United States in 1859. Not long after, he decided Mexico needed his help as well, so he added “Protector of Mexico” to his already made-up title. His self-righteousness could be seen in his attire, his decrees and his statements on American society, particularly its practice in democracy. Born in England around 1819, Norton spent the majority of his childhood years in South Africa, which was a Dutch colony at the time. His imperialistic tendencies were no doubt cultivated in his childhood and they returned when he needed the ego boost the most.

Lured by the Gold Rush, he immigrated to San Francisco after receiving $40,000 inheritance from his father’s estate. He made a living as a businessman for a while, until he made a poor investment in Peruvian rice. He attempted to sue his rice dealer in order to void his contract and the case was sent to the California Supreme Court, which ruled against him. Ashamed and bankrupt, Norton ran away in self-imposed exile.

Emperor Norton Pose

Source: Wikimedia

After some time, Norton returned to San Francisco with a chip on his shoulder. Always a fan of the British Empire and residing in the land of opportunity got him thinking, and he eventually declared himself Emperor Norton I. He then sent “official” notices to newspapers informing the people of their new Emperor. Initially, the news agencies got a pretty big laugh out of Norton, but he kept at it for 21 years and soon became a local legend.

Some of that may have been due to his choice of attire. Norton dressed in a fancy blue uniform with gold epaulettes given to him by the United States Army at Presidio, though he would later claim that Queen Victoria gave it to him. He topped this outfit with a beaver hat decorated with a peacock feather. Often, he carried a cane or an umbrella to mark his royal posture.

Norton issued many formal decrees while he was “in office.” He abolished the United States Congress on the grounds that “fraud and corruption prevent a fair and proper expression of the public voice…” He later summoned the Army to depose the U.S. Congress. Obviously, the Army ignored those orders and continue to do so to this day. Emperor Norton also abolished the Democratic and Republican parties and mandated that people treat San Francisco with respect or pay a fine. While some of his decrees were absolutely ludicrous, he did have moments of clarity in which he expressed opinions and gave governing instruction that was intelligent and ahead of his time.

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